Page name: *~*funny things we've said*~* [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-16 15:27:45
Last author: Izzles
Owner: choke_on_dreams
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*~*funny things we've said*~*

Lets cut the chit chat bullshit.

YESSSS PEOPLE we got too big:
*~*funny things we've said 2*~*
It got even BIGGER.
*~*funny things we've said 3*~*

Scene: [Phone conversation]

Izzy: 'it's like, we all... no... wait. I've totally forgotten what im talking about'

Scene:[Phone conversation...]

Izzy: You know, i've got friends in every single 'clique' in school....*whispers* even the popular people.
Mallly: ooh really, who?
Izzy: *silence* uh... sometimes i forget her name.

scene:[Izzys sitting on a chair, so is mally, shes points to a candle]

mally: hey, is that candle black or blue? i cant see.
*long silence*
mally: oh.

scene:[mally examining her leg]
mally: *finds a bruise* OMG I have a lump in my leg. I think i have breast cancer.
Izzy: In your leg?

scene: [msn conversation , stupid skiving izzys been off school for like 2 days]
mally: OMG BITCH. where have you been, i missed you!
Izzy: meh. you just missed my boobs.
mally:: they're just SO warm

Scene: [izzy comes to school with the largest deformiest hickie on her neck possible. i swear, she looked like a leper. so anyways, everybody kept talking to her neck, not her face.]
mally: *not noticing the giant BLOODLOSS in her neck*. omg hey, guess what i saw this person she was like *catches a glimps*. OH MY FUCKING GOD.
izzy: *laughs*
[approached by some other schoolie person]

person: *constantly just staring at the neck*....hi?
izzy:: FUCK YOU.

scene:[just randomly.....]
Izzy: Spinning down bypasses are fun.

slightly worrying

[more comin YOUR WAY]


[from other people]

scene:[mally reciting lots and lots of adverts from tv]
...omg i dont believe i know so many of them.
person: me either. I think you need a therapist.
mally: yeah i think i need an exorsist.

scene:[Mally matt and becky talking in media]
*Matt doesnt reply*
becky: he's sick
mally: no hes nooot!
becky: he IS
*matt stares blankly*
becky: i told you so

scene:[mally talking to nick]
i love you more than onions

[simple - but true none the less]

scene:[ok well we'vve just had our sex ed talk. and me and my friend hatty have been taking the piss out of the little year sevens who ran out from the class room holding giant pads and blushing like it was the greatest thing ever. so yeah, it was the end of our lesson and the teacher was like:]
Lady: okay so we have some sample tampons for all of you

*everyone in hall turns back and looks at us*
*hatty points at me*
*i point at her*
*they're still staring*
uh oh

scene:[Me and Becky dearest in media and im trying to concentrate when she keeps TALKING TO ME.]
what ya do in the holiday pooface?
mally: *super concentrating* nothing.
Becky: *Laughing* hahaha you just answered to pooface.
mally: hmm

[shes a retard]

scene:[in teh computer room, im talking to a sixthformer]
so yeah like....
Rosie: sorry about her ^^ shes quite retarded.
Hatty: OMG rosie that is so mean. shes not retarded.
mally: no im not *beams*
hatty: shes 'special'

[thanks a wholeeee lot]

scene:[mally and nick talking - again]
you know, if you say 'elephant juice (like mouth it' it sounds like your saying...
nick:I know
nick: i love you
mally:*realising he just stole her thunder* I FUCK YOU.
nick: youll fuck me? really?

<b> scene:[mally talking to nick about tying her hairup]
i need a mirror
nick:the webcam IS a mirror
mally: i need a mirror that updates quickly
nick: okay thats my new msn name.

[it was funny at the time]
scene:[talking to someone pretty retarded]
are you a moron or are you just possessed by a retarded ghost?
guy: dont get smart with me...
mally:me get smart with you? how would you EVER know?

Scene:[mally talking to nick]
*nick does something stupid*
:i love talking to you. it gives my mind a rest

scene:[Mally and becky talking. Mallys getting changed]

Mally: omg becky, stop staring at my ass.
becky: im not, im staring at mine.

scene:[mally's friend Anna points at spider man picture]
anna: how does he breathe in that thing.
mally:*ever so seriously*. hes spider man. he has spidey powers.

scene:[mally talking to somebody]
mally: you know what im thinking?
person: no, what are you thinking?
mally: no idea, isnt that kinda frightning?

scene:[in maths, teacher guy asks mally hard question which she spends 5 minutes trying to answer, sooner rather than later she forgets everything]
mally: so then, when you divide it by the surd you get *Silence* uh oh. i think i just swollowed my brain.

scene:[lootta people in a room together. its really silent]
person: your magical socks?
mally: yewp, their magical.

scene:[mally talking to a guy :S]
mally: stop it
guy: *laughing* stop what?
mally: you know what...
guy:*whos still laughing* whaaat?
mally:stop it!
guy: stop whaT?!
mally: stop thinking 'it'.
guy: thinking 'it?'
mally: yes thinking 'it'.
guy:how do you know what im thinking
mally: i saw you thinking iit. bitch.

[later that day- the guy approaches me]

mally: dont even think about thinking 'it'

scene:[mally talking to this guy again....:P]

mally: so, so you say you love me...
guy: yes, yes i do...
mally: how?
guy: uh, because your so beautiful, and funny, and...bla bla bla.
mally: oh god. i mean, HOW, do you love me?
guy: what do you mean how?
mally: well like 'how'.
guy: *Silence* uh. i do it with my heart?

scene:[mally talking to someone with big head]
mally: i can see my reflection in your forehead. you know thats not good right? (i know that was MEAN, but i couldnt help it. i was grumpy)

scene:[friend going up to write on the board]

scene:[at a big fancy chinease restaraunt and im eating the noodles. anyway there was this HUGE MASSIVE KILLER NOODLE which i was eating i go :]
mally: *more or less shouting* OH MY GOD, IT WAS LIKE 15 INCHES IN MY MOUTH. *silence*
mallys mom: could you please keep it down?

scene:[watching some star wars thing and they kept saying words like reserection, inserection....]
mally: inserection, reserection, so many erect...*pauses*. im gonna go the toilet now.

scene:outside in school (Woah does that make sense). anyways becky picks up a stick]
: its a stick
becky: its not a stick. eeets a steeeek.
mally: *Stares blankly* ok *walks away*.

scene:[me and becky are holding rosalinds video camra. shes gone insdie back to class but we;re just walking along happily]
mally:*just randomly* OMG DROP IT.
becky: the camra? shede kill us.
mally:lets do it..!
becky: you do it. I DARE YOU.
mally: okay *Takes camra and places is softly on the floor*
becky: *laughs*

[we both bend over and just stare at it blankly for 2 minutes almost as if it was from outter space. we're staring in total awe , like 'omg' and we touch it, then back away etc...].

mally: wow.
becky: its so...
*we both get up to see our PE teacher (some trainer guy) just laughing at us*. we were like. ..
mally: um. hi there. we didnt see you creeping up on us! *laugh nervously, pick up the camra and LEAVE*

scene:[on the bus, this guy says this thing, the funniest part is, he didnt realise what he said]
<b>retarded guy
: so is it like a pussy colour?

okay. well i found it funny.

scene:[science class.....]
: so can anyone tell me what a-sexual reproduction is?
retarded guy: yes. its when you need too orgasims to make a baby.
teacher: actually. your a little off there.

scene:[for our drama assignment we had to do 'the three little pigs'. im the wolf:) you know the scene where the wolf goes to each of the houses and says something like 'lttle pigs, let me come in' - well i kept saying 'little wolves let me come in'...]
:little wolves let me come in...
ian: Were pigs, but its okay
mally: *still not understanding* uh. im a rabbit?
ian: okay. you're a rabbit. im a pig.

[moving on to the last house].

mally:: little wolves let me come in.
emma: mally we're pigs.
mally: uh oh. ive been calling you wolves havnt i?
emma and ian: yup.
mally: start again?
everybody: yup

scene:[at homebase. i wanted some tennis balls]

mally:*to the assistant guy*. Hey, can i see your balls please?
guy: um.
mally: where do you keep them?
guy: *laughs uncomferatbly*
mally: oh shit. man. TENNIS. TENNIS BALLS.
guy: yeah, uh, just over here.

Scene:[Maths- Sara and Izzy. Izzy is being completely oblivious to everything and Sara is trying to get Izzy's attention]
Sara: Izzy.... Izzy.... IZZY! IZZY IZZY IZZY IZZY!!!! HOBO.
Izzy: ...*turns round*

Scene: [Mally's bed]
Izzy: I will eat your brains...

YESSSS PEOPLE we got too big:
*~*funny things we've said 2*~*
*~*funny things we've said 3*~*

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[xXManicKittyXx]: yay ima hair god lol

[AntiCancer]: I Thought I was retarded but I guess theres always some one else

[choke_on_dreams]: hahaha , no fear my friend, your not alone :)

[Izzles]: me and mally rock.

[Izzles]: No wait.

[Izzles]: Mally and I rock. o.o

[choke_on_dreams]: Yes WE DO BITCH. WE DO

[elfflower1989]: that was awesome, i mean seriously so

[choke_on_dreams]: lol yay *Woot* thankee

[elfflower1989]: lol i should tell you some of the things me and MY friends and family say...

[choke_on_dreams]: lol ooo ooo oo tell me

[elfflower1989]: sisters comes up to me one day and says "candace, guess what?" "what?" "daddy has a candian penny!" "so?" "so? you can only get those in canadia! and dads never been to canadia, he told me himself."

[choke_on_dreams]: haha lol :P

[AntiCancer]: Thats about as smart as me and I'm not that smart.....yet

[choke_on_dreams]: yet...oh wow sounds promising :P

[AntiCancer]: I am promising a teacher thought I had ADD and I said no but saw birds before I finished it was funny the teacher flipped

[elfflower1989]: lol omg theres this girl who used to skip all the time but now she comes to class and the whole time shes like "hey, theres a fish in the light" class- "no jasmine, thats a cockroach" jasmine"no, its a fish! look it has a...gah nevermind"

[AntiCancer]: lol, sounds like me trying to win in an argment

[elfflower1989]: lol...oh just yesterday she began serenading one of the guys in class with the you are my sunshine song

[.+*Visions of Falling Stars*+.]: O...M...G... I'm disturbed to think I know you both... XD Maths lessons aint the same without u Izzy... Love u both more than u love me and DONT start the argument again... Love Sara-LouLou :D

[Izzles]: XD we just rawk. And i just make maths lessons complete. Specially when you get ordered to escort me off the premises. XD

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